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Article: How Compression Socks Combat Varicose Veins & Leg Swelling

How Compression Socks Combat Varicose Veins & Leg Swelling


One day, you may feel a burning, aching throb that gets worse if you stand too long. Maybe the backs of your calves are itchy after physical activity. Other people have no pain or discomfort but notice dark purple veins on their legs. These are all varicose vein symptoms. Read on to see the steps you should take steps to reduce the impact as soon as possible.


You might have varicose veins if your veins are twisted and bulging — they may stand out like cords on your leg. In other cases, they are less pronounced. Painful symptoms include achy, heavy legs; you could also feel cramping, throbbing or burning sensations. The skin may become discolored around one or more veins.


Varicose veins can develop for many reasons. Those with a family history of varicose veins are more likely to get them. Age, pregnancy, obesity, contraception, and prolonged standing or sitting are other risk factors. Women are more likely to get them than men.

Compression Socks to Prevent Varicose Veins


You can't always prevent them from developing, but you can keep varicose veins from getting worse. Here are a few tips for healthier living that may reduce or even prevent varicose veins.

Keep Your Circulation Moving

Avoid sitting or standing for long periods of time. Static positions make it harder for your body to circulate blood to your extremities. This increases your blood pressure and can lead to blood pooling around your ankles — your calves and feet may become swollen or achy. Moving around reduces the venous pressure, which can increase circulation.

If you can't get away from your desk, peddle your feet, stretch your ankles or bend your knees to march lightly up and down. Getting off your feet to elevate your legs also helps. For best results, raise your legs above your heart for 15 minutes three times a day.

Wear Compression Socks to Prevent Varicose Veins

Compression Socks to Prevent Varicose Veins

How do compression socks help varicose veins? They keep your vein valves in the optimal position, which helps veins function and decreases swelling, pain and blood pooling. After wearing compression stockings during the day, you may notice fewer cramps at night. The level of compression you need depends on how much damage your veins have sustained. Your physician should be able to recommend a compression level — extra firm, firm, moderate or mild — that meets your needs.

Lose Weight

Obesity is one of the biggest risk factors for developing varicose veins. Eating a healthy diet of protein, complex carbohydrates and healthy fats may help you lose weight. Avoid salty foods and drink lots of water because proper hydration leads to healthier circulation.

Make exercise a part of your daily routine. Walking is the best exercise to ward off varicose veins. However, yoga is a great stress-busting activity — practice poses that keep your feet above your heart. For example, great inversions that promote blood flow include a shoulder stand, headstand and legs against the wall. Cycling and swimming also help keep your circulation going.


Traditional treatment involved stripping the vein to encourage the circulatory system to compensation with other blood vessels deeper in the skin. Today, lasers use concentrated light to collapse the vein. In an advanced technique called foam sclerotherapy, a detergent or emulsifier is mixed with air to form a watery foam. The foam is injected into the varicose vein and the walls stick together, blocking the vein from further damage. The deeper veins take over blood flow.


  • Twisting, purple veins in your legs may indicate varicose veins.

  • Symptoms include throbbing, burning or itching sensations in the affected area.

  • Healthy eating, exercise and compression socks are all ways to prevent varicose veins or reduce their impact and provide pain relief.

  • Varicose vein treatment includes stripping the vein, collapsing it with lasers and surgical alternatives.

Dr. Motion offers some of the top compression socks for varicose veins in the industry. Contact us to learn how our support socks for varicose veins will keep yours under control. You can find stockings made specifically for men or women and suited to a variety of purposes, including running marathons or just looking stylish on shopping expeditions with friends.


Disclaimer: This article provides information solely for educational purposes, including but not limited to text, graphics, images, and other materials contained herein. This article is not intended to substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or another qualified healthcare provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.

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