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Article: 3 Sports Benefits of Compression Socks

3 Sports Benefits of Compression Socks

Crossing the finish line of a race knowing that you just achieved a new personal best is a feeling like no other. You're exhausted and proud at the same time. It takes a lot of training to get to that point, and every runner has their own tricks for maximizing their results. You've likely seen some competitors wearing sports compression socks during a race. Should you wear compression socks while running? The simple answer is yes. They provide a variety of benefits during and after your workout, as well as in the long term. Here are the top three reasons why runners wear compression socks.

Best athletic compression socks, should you wear compression socks while running, why runners wear compression socks, sports benefits of compression socks, benefits of compression socks for running

1. Increase oxygen delivery and blood flow during a workout

Wearing compression socks while completing strenuous exercise is often how most people imagine using them. They use light pressure to redirect the flow of blood back to your heart instead of pooling in your legs. This flow is what keeps your muscles warm and loose which is ideal for maintaining a high level of performance. One study suggests that you should wear socks for long or hard workout sessions and for 24 hours afterward. The same study also notes that athletes who wear compression socks during a race recover more quickly and have less muscle damage than those who do not wear compression socks.

2. Decrease in muscle soreness when worn during recovery

Some runners feel that wearing compression socks while running feels too constrictive or keeps them too warm. Instead, they opt to wear compression socks after they have completed a run. When you get home and take a shower, try putting the socks on afterward, while you're relaxing, and see how they feel. You'll likely notice that your calves don't hurt as much as they used to, and you're ready to get back out on the pavement the next day. This is because they promote the blood flow mentioned above which keeps your muscles from cooling down too quickly, which is what causes pain and soreness.

3. Prevent soft tissue damage such as shin splints

If you've been running for any length of time, you've probably experienced shin splits. Although they usually start at a mild condition, like pushing on a bruise, they can also become pretty painful and may even prevent you from continuing your training until they go away. Wearing compression socks if you get injured can help keep fluid from accumulating in your legs. This is probably one of the number one reasons why runners wear compression socks during and after their workouts. Preventing injuries is vital to maintaining your training progress and staying healthy for your race day.

Best athletic compression socks, should you wear compression socks while running, why runners wear compression socks, sports benefits of compression socks, benefits of compression socks for running

Have You Heard of Dr. Motion Compression Socks?

That's a lot of information and not all of us are doctors. If your head is buzzing, let's keep it simple. Here are the top three benefits of wearing compression socks for running:

  • Keeps blood flowing back to your heart
  • Aids in quicker recovery times
  • Prevents injuries to the lower leg

These are just a few of the many benefits of compression socks for running. If you're looking to add the best athletic compression socks to your workout wardrobe, look no further than Dr. Motion. These low-level compression socks are ideal for wearing during and after workouts, as well as in your everyday life! Whether you're on the plane, at your desk, or out in the field, you'll easily see (and feel!) the benefits of wearing compression socks. Visit your favorite local retailer to find the perfect pair for you at an affordable price point!


Disclaimer: This article provides information solely for educational purposes, including but not limited to text, graphics, images, and other materials contained herein. This article is not intended to substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or another qualified healthcare provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.

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